Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Good Start (Hopefully...)

           I want to have a blog. It’s just a way to say thanks to you who had generously shared your beautiful and inspirational thought to me , instead of keeping those thought for yourself. Although maybe my thought isn’t as beautiful as yours, it must be worth something.
           Besides, my mind is always very noisy with noises that sometimes I can’t understand. Writing is way for me to learn to hear and understand them. Can you believe that human being can keep million thoughts in their head? And still try to think about something else? And a few days after that we forget about what we thought yesterday? I believe we have those thoughts for a reason, so I’m trying not to lose it.
           Because most of my thoughts are wishes, so I’ll make this blog something like a wish list, contain something I want and I don’t want. I know that looks a little bit selfish, but hey.. these are my thoughts! You want something that looks angelic? Read yours. :P

            Hopefully, by knowing what I want and I don’t want, it’ll bring me closer to this statement : I want to be myself and I’m grateful for what I already have. 

 NB : I have another blog once but for some reason I stop and this blog is a whole new start